Numbers impact human life right from birth: Numerologist Rajni Chhabra
Rajni Chhabra is a multi faceted personality. She is an academician, translator, writer, poetess and numerologist. She knows five languages of English, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi and Rajasthani.She retired as English lecturer and now devotes most of her time as numerologist. She has written and translated many books.She is in the field of numerology since the year 1989 and publishes daily numerological predictions on her website two days in advance. She is guiding her daughter, Ankur C Poddar, in the field of numerology. Rajni belongs to Bikaner, in the Rajasthan state of India and lives in Bengaluru. She receives consultation requests from 64 countries. talked to her about numerology.
Q: Numerology is becoming popular day by day as more people are becoming attracted towards it. But still many questions remain. Some people ask whether numerology is science or what?
A: Numerology is flourishing day by day on global level. Irrespective of language, religion and geographical boundaries, it is gaining wide recognition. Numerology is the study of numbers and their determining influence on one’s life. Numbers are the prime causes, which create, reform, rejuvenate and reshape the trend of life. They start producing their impact on your life right from the moment of the birth and will continue to influence throughout the life. All the nine planets are assigned with numerical value from 1 to 9 and govern the whole universe. In Numerology, these Numbers are called Divine Numbers. All the beings of this Universe are categorized in number One To Nine, according to their Date Of Birth (DOB) and attain traits of the Planet under which they are categorized. It is the study of symbolism of numbers and their determining influence on one's life. Numerology is the science of Numbers. It is a predictive science.
Q: Can you explain how does it affect the lives of the people.
A: The Whole Universe is governed by Planetary Numbers One to Nine. Each and every human being landed on the stage of world is assigned a number in accordance with his date of birth which is categorized according to Planetary Number under which he/she is born
For example, an individual born on
1,10,29,28 of any month is assigned Birth number and is associated with Planet Sun, whose Number is One.
2,11,20,29 of any month is assigned birth number 2 and is associated with Moon, whose Number is Two
3,12,21,30 of any month is assigned birth number 3 and is associated with Jupiter, whose Number is three.
4,13,22,31 of any month is assigned birth number 4 is associated with Uranus, whose number is four.
5,14,23 of any month is assigned birth number 5 and is associated with Mercury, whose number is five
6,15,24 of any month is assigned birth number 6 and is associated with Venus, whose number is six
7,16,25 of any month is assigned birth number 7 and is associated with Neptune, whose number is seven
8,17,26 of any month is assigned birth number 8 and is associated with Saturn, whose number is eight
9,18,27 of any month is assigned birth number 9 and is associated with Mars, whose number is nine
Hence, a person who is categorized under a particular Planetary number will develop qualities related to that planet and his life will be influenced by it. Friendly and unfriendly numbers of the particular planet will interact throughout his life, shaping his life accordingly.
Knowledge of Numerology helps to know our strengths and weaknesses, helps in accomplishment of our destiny by creating a positive environment and wiping out negative energy. It paves way to excellence in professional and personal life n helps us to know n shape or future.
Q: Numbers determine the destiny of a person and numbers depend on the date of birth. Nowadays there are many techniques available by which the day of birth can be planned in advance. It means that man can control the destiny, at least to a certain extent. Do you agree?
A: Medical Science has developed a lot and there are many techniques available by which the date of birth cab be planned in advance. So, that way, destiny can be controlled to a certain extent.
But as far as my opinion goes, we should not try to be destiny makers. God is a better planner by all means. Many a times, couples who were expecting a new arrival in family, come to me for Consultations regarding it. But, I always advise them to wait for a normal delivery. If Doctor itself says that normal delivery won't be possible and after waiting for a particular date, recommends cesarean, then, only, I give them options for the suitable date on which there won't be any problem both for the would be mother and would be safe for the kid landing in this world and the date that would be favorable for them.
Q: Please tell us what services do you provide to those who come to you for consultations?
A: We endeavor to manipulate Numerology Numbers to pave the path of life smoother for you. You can seek Numerology guidance from us on any aspect of life i.e. education, health issues, personality grooming, career orientation, job, change in job profile and business, business expansion, matrimonial alliance, raising family, adoption, love marriage, divorce, business deals, partnership, investment tips, political career, property dealing, naming ceremony, naming your firm and residence, domesticity and adjustment in all walks of life. We put our best efforts to help you lead a better life.
Q. Can you give us a few examples of how you helped people through numerology?
I have been into Numerology since 1989. During this span, I interacted with many people on global level. But, I felt great satisfaction by helping my clients in certain cases that I will always remember.
A young girl suffering from cancer had lost all hope of life. After my long consultations, a spark of hope got kindled in her and she started her fight for life with a new zeal and vigor. By Grace of God, that girl is alive, happily married and doing job as well.
An old aged person, retired from his job in private sector was desperately in need of job. I calculated favorable period for him in which he should apply for job and face interviews. It worked for him and he sent his words of gratitude to me in Guest Book of my site.
Several couples, who were on verge of divorce consulted me and I advised them to wait for a particular period in which reconciliation can occur. They followed my advice and are happily resettled in their married life.
Some issue less couples who were very desperate, I suggested them to adopt child and calculated favorable date for adoption. In some of these cases, since exact Date of birth of child was not known, I applied Nameology for them and suggested name that was compatible with numerology numbers of parents.
I have organized several free career orientation camps for students.
Besides, I offer free daily predictions in Hindi and English, two days in advance on my site
Q. Is it a good career option for the young people?
Numerology can be a good career option for young people. Once you learn and command Numerology, all that you need for success in this career is deep understanding, calculative and manipulative skills and a pious aim in your life to guide people on pathways of life.
You do not need to make much financial investment for it. You can opt for one to one consultancy and if you want to expand further on Global level, you can utilize the boon of internet. Create your website and connect with clients worldwide.