Personal attainments are governed by Birth Number and luck is governed by your Luck Number.For knowing your birth number,just consider your Date of birth
A person born on 1,10,19,28 of any month will be regarded as NUMBER 1
A person born on 2,11,20,29 of any month will be regarded as NUMBER 2
A person born on 3,12,21,30 of any month will be regarded as NUMBER 3.
A person born on 4,13,22,31 of any month will be regarded as NUMBER 4.
A person born on 5,14,23 of any month will be regarded as NUMBER 5
A person born on 6,15,24 of any month will be regarded as NUMBER 6
A person born on 7,16,25 of any month will be regarded as NUMBER 7
A person born on 8,17,26 of any month will be regarded as NUMBER 8
A person born on 9,18,27 of any month will be regarded as NUMBER 9
For knowing your luck number, count sum total of your birth date, month and year. For example 2.7.1981.
2.7. 1981→ 2+7+1+9+8+1 =28→2+8=10 →1+0=1
Hence your birth no. is 2 and luck no. is 1 and so what is in store for you due to your personal efforts, read predictions for Number. 2 and what is in store for you due to luck, read predictions for Number One