Mayawati ( born 15 January 1956) is an Indian politician who served four terms as the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh (UP). She is the National President of the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), which focuses on a platform of social change to improve the lives of the weakest strata of Indian society — the Bahujans or Dalits, Other Backward Classes, and religious minorities. She was Chief Minister briefly in 1995 and again in 1997, then from 2002 to 2003 and from 2007 to 2012.
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DOB : 15/1/1956
Birth Number of Mayawati is 6 and she is endowed with Luck Number 1.
Persons endowed with Birth Number 6 are governed by Planetary Number 6, hence ruling star is Venus.
Individuals bestowed with number 6 are endowed with deep sense of responsibility, are extremely magnetic, unyielding and are very determined in carrying out their plans.They have comfortable financial status; enjoy fame and glory.
In their political career, they are comfortable in their job liabilities and are popular.
Individuals endowed with Luck Number 1 enjoy bliss of leadership and outshine in their circle.They are blessed with intellectual and manipulative skills, firm mindedness and adamant viewpoint, excel in their work field and are popular in their peer group too. Politics suits them. They are capable of independent decision making and implementing too . They command the situation with keen administrative and inventive skills.They are ambitious and acquire top position in whatever they do.
Since, Mayawati is blessed with magnetic Birth Number 6 and powerful Luck Number 1, she is very popular on dint of her personal efforts and blessings from Luck Factor.
Mayawati is running 62 nd year of her age and this is neutral year for personal attainments. Personal efforts won’t fetch outstanding attainments for her, but she will be benefited by grace of Luck in Calendar year
Her Luck Number 1 fetches her bounties this year.
She is candiadate for forthcoming Assembly Elections in 2017 and aspires to be Cheif Minister of U.P. Since, her personal attainments are not going to fetch any notewothy change in her status, but she is blessed with good luck this year, she will win on dint of support from some other politcal parties.
Best of luck to her fo her aspiratiions.